Faux Distressed Furniture Finishing Tips

Faux distressed furniture finishes - make new furniture look antique! If you've ever decorated a house - or even just one room, you know how hard it is to fit a particular style with the furniture that you buy in the store. In most cases this furniture just will not have the right sense of style for whatever room you're looking to set up. Therefore, you should look into either purchasing furniture with faux finishes or learning how to do it yourself.

Faux distressed furniture finishes take an ordinary piece of furniture and make it look as though it really belongs in whichever style has been chosen. These finishes can make your furniture look as though it is antique or made out of an entirely different material.

Distressing your furniture is probably the easiest part. Essentially, you're going to make your furniture look like it's been around for a while. It's usually recommended that you do this before you finish painting. That way if you go a little too far, you'll still have another step that you can use to clean up any mistakes you may have made.

Step By Step Faux Furniture Painting

The first step of faux distressed furniture finishes is just to beat up your furniture. You can hit it with a hammer, or throw your keys at it - anything you like (within reason).

Other things you can do in order to distress your furniture includes drilling holes. Be careful with this, however. If you drill the holes with regular spacing, they will look as though you put them in on purpose - which will ruin the effect of the distressed finish.

Once you are finished with this, you may want to paint over in places. This way if you have made dents that are a little too sharp, you'll have the paint to cover it.

Faux distressed furniture finishes are a quick and easy way to make new furniture fit in with an antique or older room design.

Learn more about faux painting techniques.