How To Use Masking Tape - How To Mask Off Your Home The Right Way

When it comes to painting indoors you really can't afford to make too many (if any) mistakes when you're painting. One slip of the hand and you're going to be clearing up paint splashes for weeks to come. Masking is something most of you hate right? I get that - totally do. But the problem is that if you don't mask off surfaces properly then you're going to wind up having some sort of painting "accident".

Most people try to skip the tedious task of masking off door frames and windows because...well it's tedious and takes time. Look at it this way. Yes you can save a few hours in time by not masking but I absolutely guarantee you're going to make a mess that you regret. I don't care what your painting skills are you're going to zig when you should have zagged at some point in the painting game.

The Best Tape For The Job

Standard masking tape is enough for the vast majority of jobs - especially if you're only tackling one room at a time. If you're going to be painting for more than just a day or two though you'll maybe need to invest in something a little bit better. What's that? It's called blue tape and is a superior type of masking tape. It's tougher and can do as well inside as it can outdoors.

The best thing about blue tape is that it has a special adhesive that keeps it stuck where it belongs while you're working. Even better is that the same special glue they use means it won't leave any marks on your furniture or woodwork when you have to take the blue tape off once you're done painting.

The Final Task

The final part of the masking process is protecting your furniture. Now ideally when you're painting a room you should move all the furniture to another room. This isn't always possible so most of the time people use old newspaper to cover their floors. Now this might seem like a good idea but one small paint spill and your carpet/wood floor is ruined.

The best possible protection from splashes of paint is to use proper tarps when you're painting. They're durable, they resist paint and they're reusable so you're doing your bit for the environment too!

Masking your home or apartment properly doesn't take skill. It just takes time and a bit of patience. The time you invest in preparing properly at the start of a paint job will pay off in the end - without fail.